What is a clinical psychologist?
Psychology is a regulated industry, and “psychologist” is a regulated word, which means that psychologists have all had standard and regulated training to become a healthcare provider.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and its mental processes and functions, with particular attention paid to the way these processes affect human behaviour in any given context. In other words, it’s the study of ourselves, our thoughts, our feelings and behaviour, our relationships with others and how we interpret the world around us. Clinical psychologists have a minimum of eight years of clinical training, including a two-year clinical endorsement program. Clinical psychologists only offer evidence-based treatment, which means that unlike other professions, the work we do and interventions offered are backed by robust science, and aimed directly at treating your current difficulties.​​
Some of the common difficulties we treat
Some of the areas we can help you with:
Anxiety and panic attacks
Trauma and complex trauma
Relationship and interpersonal issues
Burnout and stress
Personality disorders
Obsessive-compulsive behaviours
Self-harm and impulsivity
Eating disorders
Body dysmorphia​​